European Union Law
Contact Us“Hristev and Cherpokov”’s team has a broad expertise in the field of European Union law. We offer a wide range of services related to the implementation of the European legal framework by national authorities settling relations between natural and legal persons as well as in relations with EU institutions. Among the services we offer in this particular field are:
- Doing legal analysis, opinions and consultancy services in relation to the implementation of EU law acts by the public authorities in Bulgaria.
- Legal consultancy services and opinions in relation to the requests for reference of preliminary rulings in cases before Bulgarian courts.
- Consultancy services in relation to submission of complaints to the European Commission for EU law infringements in Bulgaria;
- Consultancy services and representation in relations between individuals and the European administration, institutions, bodies and agencies of the EU;
- Representation for cases of state liability for damages caused to individuals as a result of EU law infringements ;
- Consultancy services and representation in cases related to the exercise of the right of free movement of people and residence-related issues experienced by Bulgarian citizens in other EU Member States and of citizens of other EU Member States in Bulgaria.
- Consultancy services and representation in cases related to the free movement of goods within the EU internal market;
- Doing analyses of the compliance of Bulgarian law with EU law as well as preparing opinions on EU directives transposition in Bulgaria.